Publication (Journal article): Amaricoccus gen. nov., a Gram-negative coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass. Description of four species belonging to the genus
Publication Type:Refereed journal article
Publication Name:Amaricoccus gen. nov., a Gram-negative coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass. Description of four species belonging to the genus

Reference Information

Maszenan AM, Seviour RJ, Patel BKC, Rees GN and McDougall BM (1997) Amaricoccus gen. nov., a Gram-negative coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass. Description of four species belonging to the genus. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47, pp 727-734.

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