Shoutout: Celebrating our software development team

A shoutout on eWater Solutions, our software and hydrological division, and their incredible work in strengthening our systems and infrastructures

Our software development team play a critical role in delivering creative, science-based, and trusted water management tools and services. This includes ensuring strong robust, secure, and reliable systems to give our Australian government owners and stakeholders continued access to accurate and trustworthy information.
We wanted to give the team a #shoutout in recognition of their efforts in strengthening our systems and infrastructures to deliver a superior outcome in the interest of owner governments, stakeholders, and clients, and on behalf of the Australian people who have invested in the capabilities we are entrusted to deliver.
Dr Melina Vidoni Rohan Thomas Chris Di Donna Marcus Tessema Meenu Sampath Pardha Srihar Mallipudi Jaya Reddy Jolie Baasch