The Australian Water Partnership: Building Strong Partnerships and Engagement

Our partnerships with government, organisations, and stakeholders in Australia and internationally are crucial for eWater Group in the sustainable management of water resources.

The Australian Water Partnership is our international development flagship that delivers international water development programs on behalf of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade together with a network of 240 Australian partners.

In 2022-23, AWP, through DFAT, built strong partnerships and engagement:

🌐 AWP has supported Mekong River Commission Secretariat’s planning and analysis work on sustainable hydropower, alongside activities on drought and flood management. Australian experience on pumped storage hydropower has recently been shared with MRC colleagues.

🌐 The Indo-Pacific Water Stewardship program, which ran between 2019-2023, has had significant impacts, including an early detection to shift authority to locally-managed water stewardship organisations, with associated water stewardship leadership groups. A new activity in Vietnam has shown very strong engagement from the private sector, who see water stewardship principles as valuable as industry expands and matures.

🌐 Under the leadership of First Nations water managers from across the Indo-Pacific, AWP supported a First Nations focus at the recent World Water Week, hosted by the SIWI – Stockholm International Water Institute. Australian Indigenous water specialists have been supported to participate in range of international dialogues and conferences through AWP, ensuring water knowledge of the world’s oldest living culture is part of ongoing work on resilience to climate change.

🌐 AWP supported the Pacific Water and Wastewater Association annual conference, as well as the production of a climate resilience module for the The World Bank’s Utilities of the Future tool. Support for this key conference grew out of a close partnership between Australia and PWWA, established over many years through AWP.

🌐 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) – AWP supported surface water hydrology for flood early warning systems which has been embedded with local authorities across four pacific Islands.

🌐 AWP support two activities with International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) on regional river basin training and policy dialogue around shares waters. Results of the dialogue and research had wide reach across the Himalaya region and beyond.

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The Australian Water Partnership >

Australian Water Partnership Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade SIWI – Stockholm International Water Institute Mekong River Commission Secretariat Pacific Water and Wastewater Association ICIMOD Pacific Community-SPC Water Stewardship Asia Pacific The Australian National University Alluvium Group