Overview       Research       Support Programs       Focus Catchments   


"The CRC program's overall objective is to strengthen long term collaboration between research organisations, and between these organisations and the users of research, in order to obtain greater benefits from Australia's investment in Research and Development. Importantly, it also seeks to contribute to postgraduate education in a user-oriented collaborative environment, and to training of users to raise awareness and transfer knowledge."

Review of Greater Commercialisation and Self Funding in the Cooperative Research Centres Programme (Mercer and Stocker, 1998)

Given this overall objective the programs that provide support to the research programs are a critical factor in the success of a CRC. To obtain funding from the Commonwealth a CRC must demonstrate:

  • The existence of a well structured, practicable and feasible strategy for the utilisation and commercialisation of the research outputs
  • The development of leading innovative education and training activities that meet industry sector needs and enhance the employment prosects of graduates
  • The extent to which researchers from throughout the CRC are involved in education programs, particularly postgraduate programs
  • The potential for the education program to contribute to technology transfer to users.

In the CRC for Catchment Hydrology, these requirements are met through the Communication and Adoption Program, and the Education and Training Program.

Communication & Adoption
Education and Training

The CRC for Catchment Hydrology’s
successor is the eWater CRC.

eWater Enquiries:
Building 15,
University of Canberra ACT 2601
Phone +61 2 6201 5168
Fax +61 2 6201 5038
Email pa@freshwater.canberra.edu.au