Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingBook TitleSorted ascending, can be sorted descending
1994Roberts J and Oliver R (eds)A forum on past and present research on the Lower Murrumbidgee River
2001McGregor, G. B. and Fabbro, L. D.A preliminary guide to the identification of Australian freshwater planktic Chroococcales (Cyanoprokaryota). MDFRC Identification Guide Series No. 39
2002Serov, P. A. A preliminary identification of Australian Syncarida (Crustacea). MDFRC Identification Guide No. 44
2000Sonneman, J., Sincock, A., Fluin, J., Reid, M., Newall, P., Tibby, J. and Gell, P.An illustrated guide to common stream diatom species from temperate Australia
1997Ingram BA, Hawking JH and Shiel RJAquatic life in freshwater ponds. A guide to the identification and ecology of life in aquaculture ponds and farm dams in south-eastern Australia
2000Theischinger, G.Australian Aderfly larvae and adults (Insecta: Megaloptera). Preliminary guide to the identification of larvae and survey of adults of Australian Adlerfly
1999Boulton, A.J., Brock, M.AAustralian Freshwater Ecology: Processes and Management
2002DeDeckker, P.Australian non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea): Identification guide. MDFRC Identification guide series No. 45
1996Pyke G and Osborne W (eds)Biology and conservation of the Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea)
2002Watts, C. H. S.Checklists and guides to the identification, to genus, of adult and larvae Australian water beetles of the families Dystiscidae, Noteridae, Hygrobiidae, Haliplidae, Gyrinidae, Hydraenidae and the superfamily Hydrophiloidea (Insecta: Coleoptera). MDFRC Identification guide series no. 43
1998Lawrence, I. and Breen, P.Attachment IconDesign guidelines: Stormwater pollution control ponds and wetlands
1994Harris GPEcologia del Fitoplancton: Strutture, funzioni e fluttuazioni
1997NSW Fisheries and the CRC for Freshwater EcologyAttachment IconFish and Rivers in Stress: The NSW Rivers Survey
2002Suter, P. J., Conrick, D., Cockayne, B. and Choy, S.Habitat profiles of Queensland mayflies, families Baetidae, Caenidae and Prosopistonatidae. MDFRC Identification Guide Series No. 41
1995Hart BT and Grant A (eds)Interactions between sediments and water
1995Cho G, Sroutjesdijk R, Georges A with Longmore RJervis Bay: A Cultural, Scientific and Educational Resource
2000Hawking, J.H.Keys to keys- A guide to keys and zoological information to identify invertebrates from Australian inland waters
1997Mussared, DavidAttachment IconLiving on Floodplains
2002Downs, B.J., Barmuta, L.A., Fairweather, P.G., Faith, D.P., Keough, M.J., Lake, P.S., Mapstone, B.D. and Quinn, G.P.Monitoring ecological impacts: Concepts and Practice in flowing waters.
2000St. Clair, R.M.Preliminary keys for identification of Australian Caddisfly Larvae of the families Odontoceridae, Kokiriidae and Oeconesidae
2000St. Clair, R.M.Preliminary keys for the identification of Australian Caddisfly Larvae of the family Leptoceridae
2000Theischinger, G.Preliminary keys for the identification of larvae of the Australian Gomphides (Odonata)
2002Theischinger, G.Preliminary keys for the identification of larvae of the Australian Petaluridae, Archipetaliidae, Austropetaliidae, Telephlebiidae and Aeshnidae (Odonata). MDFRC identification guide series no. 42
2000Dean, J.C.Preliminary keys for the identification of the Australian Caddisfly Larvae of the families Antipodoeciidae, Atriplectididae, Limnephilidae and Plectrotarsidae
2002Lansbury, I. and Lake, P. S. Tasmanian aquatic and semi-aquatic hemipterans. MDFRC Identification Guide Series No. 40
2001Hunter, H.M., Sologinkin, S.J., Choy, S.C., Hooper, A.R., Allen, W.S., Raymond, M.A.A. and Peeters, J.Water Management in the Johnstone Bassin
1995Green K and Osborne WWildlife of the Australian Snow Country

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