Technical Reports
Displaying 391 - 420 of 522 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Sorted descending, can be sorted ascendingTitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingReport TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1996Fonseka C, Beckett R and Dixon DR Characterisation and treatment of organic matter in waste waters
1993Faragher RA, Brown P and Harris JH Population surveys of the endangered fish species trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis) and eastern cod (M.ikei).
1996Fabbro LD, Shiel RJ and Duivenvoorden LJ Chapter 6. Plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton)Noble RM, Duivenvoorden LJ, Rummenie SK, Long PE and Fabbro LD, Downstream effects of land use in the Fitzroy Catchment. November 1993 - December 1996. National Landcare Project Summary Report
1999Digance, J. and Norris, R.H.Environmental impacts of tourism in the Australian Alps: the Thredbo River ValleyPacific Tourism Review
2001Death, G. and Walsh, C.J."The pcurve package: Principal Curve Analysis" R project for statistical computing
1996Dean, J.C., Suter, P.J.Mayfly nymphs of Australia: A guide to generaCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 7
2004Dean, J.C., St Clair, R. and Cartwright, D.I.Identification keys to Australian families and genera of caddis-fly larvae (Trichoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 50
2000Dean, J.C.Preliminary keys for the identification of Australian caddisfly larvae of the families Antipodoeciidae, Atriplectididae, Limnephilidae and PlectrotarsidaeCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 31
1999Dean, J.C.Preliminary keys for the identification of Australian mayfly nymphs of the family LeptophlebiidaeCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 20
1999Dean, J.C.Preliminary keys for the identification of Australian Trichoptera larvae of the family HydropsychidaeCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 22
1997Dean, J.C.Larvae of the Australian Hydrobiosidae (Insecta : Trichoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 11
1999Davis, J., Horwitz, P., Norris, R., Cheesman, B., McGuire, M., Sommer, B. and Trayler, K.Wetland Bioassessment Manual (Macroinvertebrates).National Wetlands Research and Development Program
1998Davis, J., Breen, P. and Hart, B.The ecology of the Yarra River: A discussion paperCRCFE Technical Report
2000Davis, J. and Finlayson, B.Attachment IconSand slugs and stream degradation: the case of the granite creeks, North-east VictoriaTechnical Report 7/2000
1998Davis, J.A guide to the identification of late larval Psephenidae Water Pennies (Insecta- Coleoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 17
1999Davis J, Horwitz P, Norris R and Cheeseman BMonitoring wetland health: are National River Health Program protocols applicable?Finals Report to the National Wetland Research and Development Program
1998Davis JA guide to the identification of larval Psephenidae water pennies (Insecta: Coleoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 17
2000Davies, N., Sloane, P., Norris, R.Macroinvertebrate monitoring program: study designReport to Wildlife Research and Monitoring Unit, Environment ACT
1995Davies PE and Humphries P Instream flow study of the South Esk, Macquarie and Meander Rivers
1999Davies NM and Norris RHDevelopment of a sampling framework for the Australian Alps stream health monitoring project
1999Davies NM and Norris RHReview of water quality studies in the Australian Alps
1999Cunningham, S., Nichols, S. and Norris, R.H.Perisher Creek InspectionReport prepared for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
1999Cunningham, S., Nichols, S. and Norris, R.H.Biological Monitoring of the Threadbo RiverReport prepared for Kosiosko Threadbo Pty Ltd
1999Cunningham, S., Nichols, S. and Norris, R.H.Biological monitoring of water quality in four streams in Kosciosko National Park, NSWReport prepared for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
2000Cullen, P., Whittington, J. and Fraser, G.Attachment IconLikely ecological outcomes of the COAG Water ReformsCRCFE technical report
1999Cullen, P., Whittington, J. and Fraser, G.Likely ecological outcomes of the COAG water reformsFinal draft report. June 1999
1996Cullen, P., Resh, V., Norris, R., Norris, G., Dodgson, M. and Reynoldson, T.Managing collaboration for scientific excellenceTechnical report. February 1996
1995Cullen, P., Heretakis, A. and Herrington, A. Phosphorus in detergents: Its contribution to eutrophication in Australian inland waters
2000Cullen, P., Harris, J., Hillman, T., Liston, P., Norris, R., Whittington, J.Attachment IconScope of the Sustainable Rivers AuditReport to MDBC
2001Cullen, P., Cottingham, P., Doolan, J., Edgar, B., Ellis, C., Fisher, M., Flett, D., Johnson, D., Sealie, L., Stocklmayer, S., Vanclay, F. and Whittington, J.Attachment IconKnowledge seeking strategies of natural resource professionals: synthesis of a workshop held in Bungendore, NSW from 5-7th June 2000CRCFE technical report no. 2/2001

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