2023 Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium

Engineer Australia’s 2023 Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium

Author: Samira Azadi, Hydrologist, eWater Group

eWater Solutions hydrologist, Samira Azadi, represented eWater Group at Engineer Australia’s 2023 Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium in Sydney recently and provide an insight into her attendance.

Engineers Australia recently hosted the 2023 Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium in Sydney which was a fantastic opportunity to engage and connect with fellow industry experts on a wide range of theoretical, technical, and practical aspects of hydrology and water resources.

The symposium provided me the opportunity to hear firsthand from some of our user community and partners on their real-world application of eWater Source or eWater MUSIC.

I was also able to hear from key leaders in the hydrology industry on the challenges and proposed solutions, particularly in the context of climate change and flood control. Notably, there were engaging presentations on the application of artificial intelligence in hydrological issues, revealing intriguing results.

An aspect of the symposium I really liked was the recognition and appreciation extended to several distinguished individuals in the field of hydrology, including Dr. Allen Goyen, Dr. Geoff O Loughlin, and Dr. Francis Chiew, who have dedicated themselves with high motivation to the field of hydrology in Australia for many years.

Hearing firsthand from several distinguished experts and learning about the significant amount of effort, time, and energy they have invested in the scientific and practical progress of hydrology in Australia, is not only essential but also highly inspiring for early career professionals like me.

Considering that Australia features a diverse climate and abundant natural resources, it becomes imperative that we continue to be led by proficient and experienced individuals across various realms of management, science, and practice, particularly in the domain of hydrology.

The Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium provided an opportunity to reconnect with old colleagues and forge new connections with experts in various fields, ranging from hydrology and hydraulics to urban water management, flood control, and climate change. One of the highlights for me was the amount of research conducted using eWater Source and eWater MUSIC software. This underscored the potential of these software tools for use in research and practical projects in Australia.

The discussions and questions that followed the presentations contributed to a deeper understanding of user needs across different fields, offering the eWater team valuable insights for designing and planning the future software enhancement path.

David Dreverman steps down as Director, eWater Limited Board

David Dreverman steps down as Director, eWater Limited Board, after 15 years of service and support to eWater Group.

eWater Limited Board Independent Director David Dreverman announced today at the Annual General Meeting his decision to step down after 15 years of service and support to eWater and its goals.

eWater Group and the eWater Limited Board commended David for his sound advice and support – from eWater’s early beginnings as a Cooperative Research Centre to the Australian and world-leading organisation that it is today.

David brought more than 40 years of experience and understanding of the water sector in Australia and internationally to the eWater Limited Board and the wider organisation, including an Executive Director of River Management at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, and the Murray Darling Basin Commission.

Prior to these roles, David worked as a consultant in the engineering industry; with SMEC, Hydro Electric Commission, Tasmania and Australian Power and Water.

Michael Wilson, Group CEO, eWater Group, said, “David’s contribution to ensuring better and more sustainable and equitable water management outcomes in Australia – and his contribution to eWater in particular – has been extraordinary.

“It has been a privilege to have had the benefit of David’s wisdom and counsel for so long, and the legacy he leaves to eWater Group’s Australian and international work is immeasurable.

“We thank David for his energy, diligence, and all-embracing passion for water management across the globe.”

Greg Claydon PSM, Chair, eWater Limited Board, said, “I wish to acknowledge David’s wonderful contribution to eWater, and indeed water resource management in Australia and internationally, over many years. I thank him very much for his wise counsel, deep knowledge, and very helpful insights, always aimed at achieving better outcomes.”

Who are we?

eWater Group is owned by the Australian Federal, State and Territory governments to further develop Australia’s world-class modelling tools and to provide support and training nationwide and internationally.

Our organisation is comprised of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership and the Mekong Water Solutions to deliver water management solutions for communities in Australia and overseas.

We also partner with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and research groups and institutions to provide expertise and support for sustainable water management solutions in Australia and internationally, now and into the future.

Mekong River Commission Regional Stakeholder Forum

eWater Group attends the 13th MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum

The impact of climate and human activities in the Mekong River Basin continues to have a detrimental impact on the lives of millions of people and communities in the region and requires experts across government, the private sector and community organisations to work together for a sustainable future.  

eWater Group was delighted to participate in the recent 13th Mekong River Commission Regional Stakeholder Forum, in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, with representation from Trudy Green, Hydrology and Partnerships Lead, and Dr Paradis Someth, Principal Hydrologist.  

A highlight of the forum was the release by the Mekong River Commission and Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Center (LMC Water Center) of the Phase 1 findings on Changing Hydrological Conditions of Lancang-Mekong River Basin and Adaptation Strategies. We congratulate the MRC and LMC on this significant achievement. 

For eWater, the Forum provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute to the outcomes of the Joint Study and engage in insightful conversations with our partners in the Mekong. 

Trudy Green, Hydrology and Partnerships Lead, said: “Attending the workshop was a fantastic opportunity to understand the diversity and complexity of issues in the Mekong Region and will allow eWater Group to continue to improve and refine the technical support we provide to the MRC and the Member Countries.”

At this regional forum, we were excited to reconnect with our valued Mekong partners, including Mekong River Commission Secretariat, National University of Laos (NUoL), Lao Department of Water Resources (DWR), Laos National Mekong Committee (LNMC), Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC), Thai Office of the National Water Resources (NOWR), and Viet Nam National Mekong Committee (VNMC). 

eWater Group is thrilled to offer a world-class water resource modelling tool, empowering transboundary water management. 

Learn more about the Forum > https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/consultations/regional-stakeholder-forums/mrc-rsf-13/  

To read more about the MRC Joint Study > https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-20230910/?fbclid=IwAR3wAhpldrLocWbuwyksmsMcER3S5efCBwfO6hd-kgBD3wQTjHU-JLSP_Vs  

Meet Shreya Gyawali, Australian Water Partnerships

Shreya Gyawali, Senior Program Officer, Australian Water Partnerships

“Our work directly impacts people’s lives. Knowing that my day-to-day contributions at work could positively influence someone’s life is a significant motivator to keep going.”

It is this kind of thinking that makes eWater Group an exceptional place to work. Our people – like Shreya Gyawali – bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organisation but it is the willingness to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable people and their communities that is truly exceptional.

We are an organisation dedicated to delivering water management expertise and tools in Australia and internationally through our three divisions – the Australian Water Partnership, eWater Solutions, and Mekong Water Solutions.

The Australian Water Partnership (AWP) is a key part of Australia’s support for sustainable water resources management in South Asia, the Mekong region, and the Pacific. Working closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AWP supports a range of activities that draw on Australian expertise to respond to assistance from our international partners and governments.

In her role as AWP’s Senior Program Officer, Shreya has a whole raft of responsibilities including managing and engaging on international and national events for AWP but just as important, if not more, leading the Gender, Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (or GEDSI) portfolio within AWP.

Shreya works with the AWP program team to better integrate GEDSI across all activities, as well as lead on internal policy reviews and implementation processes. It is one of our critical roles within AWP.

“AWP’s commitment to advancing Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) in partnership with different organisations in Australia and overseas is a significant reason of why I work at AWP.”

Water has always played a big role in Shreya’s life. Having worked in the development sector in her hometown of Kathmandu, Nepal, prior to moving to Australia to complete her Master’s in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development from the Australian National University Shreya participated in field visits to see first-hand the impacts of water stress on women and girls.

“Issues like water insecurity disproportionately impacts women and girls. It impacts their education, hygiene, and safety, and as they usually have the responsibility of fetching water- also impacts their time. These issues are embedded within cultural contexts and social norms and become further exacerbated in the face of climate change as well as in crisis scenarios.

“Water issues are personal issues for women and girls. Creating change in this space will mean having the ability to influence people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour – which is what I would like to do, and being in this sector is a great platform to meet like-minded people and create momentum for that change.”

Now working at AWP for nearly two years, Shreya has represented AWP at major national and international events, including SIWI World Water Week 2022 in Stockholm where she collaborated with water leaders from Australia and the region to share knowledge and successes.  She is on her own leadership journey as one of AWP’s Young Water Professionals and brings her passion and unique perspective to her work every day. 

“Being a Nepali woman with my own cultural experiences and having seen the lived realities of people back home, I am aspiring to be a change agent and champion for people in my community, and I see this as a step towards making that happen.”

“There is a crucial need to recognise and accept the different forms of knowledge that inform solutions to the challenges of climate change; cultural, Indigenous, technical, and local knowledge and find ways to better integrate them together.”

It is this commitment to changing how we engage with communities, develop policies and programs on water management, and think more strategically about our water resources, which remains central to the work of AWP and eWater Group.

Who are we?

eWater Group is owned by the Australian Federal, State and Territory governments to further develop Australia’s world-class modelling tools and to provide support and training nationwide and internationally.

Our organisation is comprised of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership and the Mekong Water Solutions to deliver water management solutions for communities in Australia and overseas.

We also partner with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and research groups and institutions to provide expertise and support for sustainable water management solutions in Australia and internationally, now and into the future.

National Science Week 2023

Celebrating Australian science and technology and the power of people

The sustainable management of water is critical for all life on earth and the wellbeing of our society. As the driest inhabited continent on earth, Australia is well-placed to understand the complexity of protecting and managing our water resources and has become an internationally recognised leader in water policy and management.

We are marking National Science Week 2023 by acknowledging and celebrating the people and science behind the work we do at eWater Group.

We are committed to the pursuit of sustainable management of water resources through the development and sharing of best practices, capabilities, and knowledge of Australian water expertise, nationally and internationally.

Our people are hydrologists, academics, software developers, sales and project managers public policy and water industry experts and innovators who are all here to find water management solutions for the benefit of all people and their communities.

We develop and deliver Australia’s National Hydrological Modelling Platform on behalf of all Australian governments through eWater Solutions; and deliver international development programs on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, including through the Australian Water Partnership and Mekong Water Solutions.

We provide creative, science-based, and trusted water management expertise, products and services for people, communities, livelihoods, and environment impacted by many factors, including climate change.

From our beginnings as a Cooperative Research Centre Program to the organisation we are today; eWater Group has evolved to occupy a unique place in Australia’s water management and international cooperation ecosystem, including custodianship of the eWater Source platform.  

eWater Source supports integrated planning, operations, and governance from urban to catchment to river basin scales including taking human and ecological influences into account. It accommodates diverse climatic, geographic, water policy and governance settings for both Australian and international climatic conditions. 

eWater Source is the largest scientific software in use by the Australian Government, blending science insights with technological innovation to maintain the National Hydrological Modelling Platform.

Our world-class platform translates water-science outcomes into software to enable all Australian governments and our partners to harness data-derived insights and use scientific outputs in their decision making.

eWater Source has been applied extensively in a wide range of real-world water use situations, both in Australia and internationally, supporting the management of rivers in Australia, the Mekong region, across South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Alongside eWater Source, we also have eWater MUSIC and Urban Developer models which are designed to manage the interaction between various water supply systems as well as capture all water cycle components including rainfall and stormwater runoff, potable water, and the recycling / reuse of wastewater. These tools enable robust and reliable decision-making for secure urban water supplies.

To achieve positive outcomes across all sectors – food security, energy security, climate resilience, biodiversity and ecosystem health, and disaster management – water security is paramount. And as climate change accelerates the challenges, international cooperation to share learning is increasingly important.

A key part of Australia’s support for climate resilient water management in South-East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific, is through our work within the Australian Water Partnership, which works closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and over 200 Australian partners across the public and private sectors.

The Australian Water Partnership supports a range of activities that draw on Australian expertise to respond to assistance from our international partners and governments, including on river basins, irrigation modernisation, integrated urban water management and environmental water.

This week gives cause for us to acknowledge this collective commitment as an organisation, and individuals, to finding water management solutions which is why we want to acknowledge and celebrate National Science Week.

As the impacts of climate change and other environmental factors continue to grow and exacerbate water security, eWater Group is best placed to provide support, program delivery and training for the protection of our most precious resource. 

Who are we?

eWater Group is owned by the Australian Federal, State and Territory governments to further develop Australia’s world-class modelling tools and to provide support and training nationwide and internationally.

Our organisation is comprised of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership and the Mekong Water Solutions to deliver water management solutions for communities in Australia and overseas.

We also partner with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and research groups and institutions to provide expertise and support for sustainable water management solutions in Australia and internationally, now and into the future.

A recap on MODSIM 2023

With MODSIM 2023 now done, we are taking the opportunity to recap our time at this critical conference and how important it is for modellers from a diverse range of fields to showcase the latest science and technology and how it is applied by the global water modelling and community.

Last month, Darwin played host to the 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation – otherwise known as MODSIM – where modellers from across Australia descended on the balmy city to talk about water modelling, including the use of emerging technologies to improve modelling practice and the use of modelling to find new solutions to solve the growing impact of climate change in our waterways and environment.

eWater Group Hydrologists, Dr Jin Wang and Sudeep Nair represented our organisation at MODSIM, where we were a sponsor, to facilitate sessions related to hydrological modelling and showcase the new functionalities of Australia’s National Hydrological Modelling Platform, eWater Source, and how it helps water managers to meet the changing needs in water resources management.

Sudeep said “it was great to see how various users unravel the many facets of eWater Source and understand how it is helping the users to achieve their objectives. We heard their experiences and feedback, which helped us to understand the strength of Source as a hydrological modelling tool and areas for potential enhancement.”

“MODSIM was also a great opportunity for us [hydrologists] to introduce eWater Source to a wider audience who were not so familiar with the tool, and a chance to update ourselves on the latest trends and techniques in water and environmental modelling.”

One of the more interesting observations from our hydrologists was from other presenters at the conference who demonstrated the versatility and agility of Source as a hydrological modelling tool and how modellers were using it for bespoke applications.

“One of the many advantages of eWater Source is that it can handle both water quantity and quality aspects and has many functionalities specific for Australian purposes,” Sudeep said.

With any science-based software and technology tools, there is also room for improvements in areas such as stability, accuracy, and performance improvements, and eWater Group is diligent in improving our software platforms to enable our owners, partners and water experts have an enriched user experience.

For our hydrologists, Dr Wang and Sudeep Nair, MODSIM provided a great back drop to generate interest and discussion on hydrologically modelling methods in general and eWater Source in particular.

Both Sudeep and Dr Wang co-presented a session with Rachael Holden from Power and Water Cooperation: Providing Water for All: Modelling to Improve Water Security for Communities, the Environment and Industry, which helped spearhead conversations on the impact of water modelling to inform decision-makers and the role of eWater Source.

To read the full abstract from Sudeep Nair > https://lnkd.in/eDzNiybjhttps://ewater.org.au/3443-2/ and for Samira Azadi (who was unfortunately a last-minute cancellation) > https://ewater.org.au/3443-2/.

Conferences like MODSIM play a significant role in the water space. It is an avenue for learning, networking, and informing of the latest research and modelling outcomes in Australia and beyond; and an important opportunity for eWater Group and our people to showcase who we are and what we are doing to address the new challenges in the hydrological modelling realm.

Who are we?

eWater Group is owned by the Australian Federal, State and Territory governments to further develop Australia’s world-class modelling tools and to provide support and training nationwide and internationally.

Our organisation is comprised of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership and the Mekong Water Solutions to deliver water management solutions for communities in Australia and overseas.

We also partner with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and research groups and institutions to provide expertise and support for sustainable water management solutions in Australia and internationally, now and into the future.

Meet Channpisey Nop, Mekong Water Solutions

Channpisey Nop, Irrigation Engineer, Mekong Water Solutions

Water sustainability and scarcity is a real challenge for communities around Australia and internationally every single day. At eWater Group our role is to provide governments, decision makers, water managers, researchers and modellers the tools and expertise to make the right decisions when it comes to protecting our most precious resource: water.

Our people are multi-talented and made up of hydrologists, software developers, water industry experts, international development professionals, and innovators, with a strong commitment to supporting sustainable water management.

Our reach is far and wide within Australia and internationally. eWater Group is responsible for the management of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership, and Mekong Water Solutions.

Mekong Water Solutions, which is funded by the Australian Government, works closely with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Royal Cambodian Government, with the skills and tools necessary to provide sustainable and accessible water to communities, farmers and industry across the region.  We do this through innovative solutions, collaborative partnerships, and with local knowledge at the heart of everything.

Channpisey Nop, Irrigation Engineer, Mekong Water Solutions, is responsible for water balance analysis for irrigation system design, and water management system for river basins in Cambodia and brings a special understanding of how important of river managements are to the people of Cambodia.

With an Engineering Degree in Water Resources and Rural Infrastructure supported by the Asian Development Bank from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and a master’s degree in water resources engineering with a Japanese Government scholarship from Kyoto University, plus years of experience in water resources engineering and infrastructure in both Japan and Cambodia; Channpisey brings a wealth of knowledge to Mekong Water Solutions.

“I am grateful as a specialist on water resources engineering because I have a chance to share my knowledge and experiences for the development of water resources in Cambodia and in the Mekong region or even internationally through Mekong Water Solutions.”

“I enjoy going to the field to study the real issues that provide a better understanding to solve those problems. The main inspiration for my role is when I can directly support the farmers who could get benefit from our work.”

One key project Channpisey has been part of is the World Bank Cambodia Water Security Improvement Project which is focused on improving water security and increasing water productivity in river basins in Cambodia.

“This project is a real challenge for us [Mekong Water Solutions] to deliver quality work and solutions for our partners and safeguard water availability for Cambodia’s economic development – it is a very important project that will ensure water security for the whole of Cambodia.”

Water scarcity is a major concern for the region which faces many challenges including the reliability and variation of water flow, erosion, and of course climate change.

“Mekong Water Solutions with technical support from Australian expertise in combination with local experiences could effectively solve water issues in the country and in the region. We have many tools developed in Australia that can help with in-country issues such as eWater Source.”

eWater Source is Australia’s own National Hydrological Modelling Platform, developed over thirty years and underpinned by world-class science and technical innovation to provide real-time information on water scarcity and resources. eWater Source is used by governments, decision-makers, water managers, modellers and researchers, in Australia and internationally.

Channpisey is a real champion of support more women and girls into the water sector in Cambodia and in the life of society.

“The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organizer, administrator, director, re-creator, disburser, economist, mother, disciplinarian, teacher, health officer, artist, and queen in the family at the same time. Apart from it, woman plays a key role in the socio-economic development of society.”

“Globally, women have become engines for economic growth. Achieving gender diversity in enterprises is of critical importance to improving business outcomes. Women are often under-represented in the academic and professional fields of engineering, and not enough women have contributed as much as they should be able to the diverse fields of engineering historically and now.”

“For example, at Mekong Water Solutions, I am the only female engineer, so more work needs to be done to support more women and girls in engineering, but we are committed to doing that.”

“We need to encourage women and girls to feel supported to be innovative in the water space, need more value from people around them for their skills by providing more benefits for their hard work, encouraging them to believe in themselves.”

Who are we?

eWater Group is owned by the Australian Federal, State and Territory governments to further develop Australia’s world-class modelling tools and to provide support and training nationwide and internationally.

Our organisation is comprised of three divisions – eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership and the Mekong Water Solutions to deliver water management solutions for communities in Australia and overseas.

We also partner with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and research groups and institutions to provide expertise and support for sustainable water management solutions in Australia and internationally, now and into the future.

Sharing Australian water expertise, globally

Our Hydrology team recently joined experts in the Mekong region for a regional training modelling tools program.

Sharing best practices, capabilities, and knowledge of Australian water expertise globally is our mission at eWater Group.

Our people – across eWater Solutions, the Australian Water Partnership, and Mekong Water Solutions – work incredibly hard in the pursuit of sustainable management of water resources.

Members of our Hydrology team – Juanita Moolman, Paradis Someth, Samira Azadi, and Sudeep Nair – recently joined experts from six Mekong countries to run a regional training modelling tools program as part of a joint study.

The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) are conducting a joint study on the changing hydrological conditions of the Lower Mekong River Basin. The study aims to develop adaption strategies that address the flooding and drought risks caused by climate change across the river basin.

Paradis Someth, Principal Hydrologist, eWater Group, said “As part of the study, our eWater Group Hydrology Team joined by water modelling experts from across the Mekong region to provide hands-on training and expertise on using, eWater Source to gain a better understanding of this tool and how it can help in impact assessment.”

“eWater Group has a long and proud history of supporting water resource management in the Mekong region. eWater Group’s three divisions – eWater Solutions, Australian Water Partnership, and Mekong Water Solutions – play a critical role in shaping Australia’s technology and helping to build capabilities in the region.”

Australia has been a partner of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) since its inception in 1995. The MRC is an intergovernmental organisation, established “to help the lower Mekong countries build consensus around solutions that ensure a sustainable future for the Mekong and its people through river basin monitoring, assessment, data and information sharing, and dialogue and cooperation.”

Since 2013, eWater Group has supported the MRC and its four member countries (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam) to enhance the management of the Mekong River’s water for the benefit of all who depend on it.

To learn more about our partnership with the Mekong River Commission read the full story > https://ewater.org.au/ewater-group-and-its-partnership-with-mekong-river-commission/

For more information eWater Source > https://ewater.org.au/products/ewater-source/

Reach out to our team for more > https://ewater.org.au/contact-us/