Media\Media Releases
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 documents

YearSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingDateCan be sorted ascending or descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descending
200531 August 2005Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology student contending
for Young Water Scientist of the Year Award
at 8th International RiverSymposium
2004Sep 3Attachment IconYoung Water Scientist of the Year 2004 AnnouncedCRC for Freshwater Ecology
2004Mar 18Chief’s awards presented to staff at Mildura Freshwater Research CentreMilligan, Ann
2004Mar 01'Health of the river system' youth forum at Lake CullulleraineMilligan, Ann
2004Jul 21International fish biologist visiting Lower Basin Laboratory, Mildura, for three monthsMilligan, Ann
2004Jul 20Researchers interviewing long-time residents about the Narran River and LakesAdams, Janey and Milligan, Ann
2004Jan 16New Partnership To Involve Community In Restoring ACT's LandscapesAnn Milligan
2004Jan 09Provision of extra water brings its own consequencesNorris, R., Jones, G. and Milligan, Ann
2004Feb 0915th annual workshop to identify freshwater fauna Milligan, Ann
2004Apr 13Brumby turns first sod for new MDFRC/La Trobe buildingMilligan, Ann
2003Sep 29Leaked report still holds water for the River MurrayJones, Gary
2003Oct 15Media note from the CRC for Freshwater Ecology, 15 October 2003Jones, Gary
2003Oct 09How old is that cod?Wilson, G. and Adams, J.
2003Oct 02New interactive website invites storytelling about the Narran LakesOgden, R. and Adams, J.
2003Jun 13New study to throw light on water needs of the Narran LakesOgden, R., Wilson, G., Quinn, G. and Thoms, M.
2003Jul 01Creating 'healthy working rivers'Jones, G., Vertessy, R., Meyer, W. & Cribb, J.
2003Jan 13Protecting our dwindling watersBursill, D., Nitschke K., Vertessy, R., Jones, G., Milligan, A. and Cribb, J.
2003Feb 18Cotter River catchment should survive its trial by fire Ogden, R., Dyer, F. and Norris, R.H.
2003Aug 25Freshwater Research Centre opens new regional facilityWilson, G., Adams, J. and Gawne, B.
2002Oct 24Attachment IconBeyond the drought: water prosperity for the next centuryJones, Gary
2002Nov 12Update to `Beyond the drought: water prosperity for the next century'Jones, Gary
2002May 29Smarter flows to stem river's woesJones, Gary
2002May 21Researchers Make Rare Find in Cotter RiverLintermans, M. and Sealie, L.
2002Mar 01Ears Have it When it Comes to Cold WaterPeterson, Kylie
2002Jul 01Professor Gary Jones Appointed as New Leader of the Freshwater CRCSealie, Lynne
2002Jan 17New Director appointed to Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre.Cullen, Peter
2002Jan 13CRC researchers work to keep our beaches clean and climate coolLawrence, Ian
2002Feb 15Lower Basin Laboratory to stay in MilduraCullen, Peter

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